End of The Year Workshop with Petri and Juha 27-30 December 2023

The evolution of Ashtanga Yoga –
practical view with 30 years of practice

[Page photo: Petri &Juha practicing, Koh Mak Jan 2001]

with Petri and Juha on Tuesday 26th 8-11 am (15 credits)
with Juha on Sunday 31st 8:30-11 am (10 credits)

Tuesday 26th 11-12:15: Old Finnish Yule stories shared with Petri&Juha
(Glögg&Yule bisquits, Free)
Wednesday 27th: Lunch at Indian Tandoori, Kamppi time 12:30
Wednesday 27th: Smoke Sauna at Kuusijärvi (Vantaa) time 16:00

Astanga Yoga School Helsinki, Finland
Address: Annankatu 29B, courtyard, 00100 Helsinki

Workshop special classes will be also streamed online!

Helsinki Yogaschool students: If you have an one-buy Anytime card, you will get it prolonged for 4 days free of charge if you attend the full workshop morning mysore Wed-Sat. Prolonging does not apply to 12 months Anytime contract but you will get 15% discount of the workshop prices using the promotion code ”VUOSIKORTTI”.

Page menu:
Workshop program
Contact us – email form
How to login and buy a workshop pass or drop-in tickets
How to book workshop classes
Schedule – book your classes

Petri and Juha giving Ashtanga demonstration in Pori Oct 1995

[Photo: Petri and Juha giving Ashtanga demonstration, Pori Oct 1995]


The special theme in this collaborative workshop is the Evolution of Ashtanga Yoga. Petri and Juha will guide and assist practitioners in their morning Astanga Yoga Mysore style practice from Wednesday to Friday time 6-9:30 and Saturday time 7:30-10:30. Mysore practice starting times every 30 minutes from 6 to 8 am, book your preferred times for each morning here. This workshop is international, teaching and special classes will be presented in English.

In the Special classes we will dive into the evolution of Ashtanga Yoga already since the early years of modern Ashtanga in 1930’s, and how the Ashtanga sequence and vinyasas has been changed in course of decades. Theory and practice. This Special program has four classes:

Class 1 Wednesday lecture and discussion on The Evolution of Ashtanga Yoga, part 1 with Petri.

Class 2 Thursday lecture and discussion on The Evolution of Ashtanga Yoga, part 2 with Juha.

Class 3 on Friday : Petri will guide the participants into specific asana techniques which were widely practiced in the end of 1980’s and early 1990’s.

Class 4 on Saturday with Juha has three parts: 1. Pranayama. 2. Chanting. 3. Yoga philosophy. Juha will guide the participants in simple but efficient methods of Pranayama breath work, vedic style chanting of Yoga Sutras, and discussion on the dynamic nature of World, Life & Yoga, and how to adjust our roles and goals consciously.

Juha and Petri assisting in 1994

[Photo: Juha & Petri assisting, Helsinki 1994]

Page menu:
How to login and buy a workshop pass or drop-in tickets
How to book workshop classes
Schedule – book your classes

Astanga Mysore style
  • Wednesday – Friday teaching time 6 – 9:30, starting times every 45 minutes between 5:45 – 8:00. Upstairs shala (2nd floor)
  • Saturday teaching time 7:30 – 10:45, starting times every 45 minutes between 7:15 – 9:15. Upstairs shala (2nd floor)
Special Classes
  • Wednesday – Friday time 10 – 12.
    Saturday time 11 – 13 Upstairs shala (2nd floor)
    also streamed live online.
  • Yoga 4 days and special classes 4 days 199 € / 169 €
  • Yoga and special classes 3 days 169 € / 139 €
  • Yoga and special classes 1 day 59 € / 49 €
  • Yoga only 4 days 99 € / 85 €
  • Yoga drop-in 29 € / 25 €
  • Special classes only 4 days 119 € / 105 €
  • Online special classes 4 days 85 €
  • Special class drop-in 35 € / 29 €
  • Online Special class drop-in 25€


Petri Räisänen, a father of three children, is internationally known and respected Ashtanga Yoga teacher. In his yogic path Petri has studied with many respected Ashtanga Yoga teachers such as Derek Ireland (his first certified teacher), Radha Warrel, Gwendoline Hunt, Lino Miele and Eddie Stern, in addition to R. Sharath Jois and Sri K. Pattabhi Jois. His special project has been the two Ashtanga Yoga books, Yoga Chikitsa and Nadi Shodhana, published in Finnish and in English.

Petri focuses on integrating healing and therapy with yoga, meeting student’s individual needs and guiding their progress. Petri’s yoga pose adjustments are gentle, effective, therapeutic and, according to some, almost magical, and originate (besides his own practice and teaching) from his past work as a traditional Finnish folk healer and naturopath.

Juha Javanainen, a father of five children, has practiced Ashtanga yoga with Radha Warrell, Derek Ireland, Lino Miele and Eddie Stern, in addition to R. Sharath Jois and Sri K. Pattabhi Jois.

Juha continues to teach in Helsinki while working also as a yoga school director. Juha also continues to study and to practice Ashtanga Yoga as taught by Pattabhi Jois and T. Krishnamacharya. He is also studying the Yoga Philosophy of Patanjali. His special project was to translate the primary work of Sri K. Pattabhi Jois on Astanga Yoga, the book called Yoga Mala, into Finnish in 2002.

Juha wishes to share his experiences on practice and teaching, how to work with the body&mind for healing purposes within the yoga practice.

Petri and Juha are the co-founders of Ashtanga Yoga Helsinki, and Sri K Pattabhi Jois blessed the school in 1997 to teach the traditional Astanga Yoga method.

We love silence, emails preferred <3

+358 50 3312993 (sms) / Juha
Call time Mon-Thu 12-13 EET (UTC+03:00)
If you don’t get through by phone, please send us email or sms.

In case you have trouble creating the student account, buying a class pass or booking classes, please email us:

[contact-form-7 id=”6392″ title=”Special workshop”]

Booking steps:

1. Purchase a workshop pass / drop-in tickets.
2. Book your classes.

See below the detailed guide how to:

1. To purchase a workshop pass, follow the steps A & B

Step A: login or sign up into our booking system

Create or Log in into your ”Helsingin Astanga Joogakoulu” student account by clicking the Log in icon (House) down left corner or by downloading our Helsingin Astanga Joogakoulu app into your phone or tablet. Remember to set your pricing category (regular or discount price: Student, Pensionate, Maternal leave, Unemployed, HUS employee). Our webshop requires pricing category for purchasing a workshop pass.

Note: With the Bsport member form you can set your pricing category and upload your discount sertificate, but Bsport is unable to show that data for you to check if they are ok. Only Yogaschool backoffice can check your pricing category and sertificate. Please contact info@astanga.fi if you have any questions on this.
Here is our guide for detailed steps and instructions on creating and using the Bsport account and class booking (available only in Finnish at the moment)

Step B: Purchase your workshop pass or drop-in tickets

Checklist before purchasing a workshop pass:

  • if your chosen workshop pass or drop-in ticket pricing does not match your personal pricing category (regular or discount price) the webshop will announce ”This product is not available for purchase”. See the Step 1 above how to set your pricing category.
  • If you have sport notes or sports app or you want to pay at the Yogashala, you can set the workshop pass payment method as Pay later / On-Site Payment.
  • If you have annual anytime subscription, you will get 15% off the workshop prices using the Promotion code ”VUOSIKORTTI”.
  • If you have a one buy anytime card, you can ask to extend it by the number of workshop yoga practices you have attended.
  • You can use single day, 3days and 4 days passes to book both Yoga and Special classes.
  • You have to book mysore classes and special classes separately as they are two different sets of classes.

(Turn your mobile into Landscape for better view)
Special workshop passes Regular price Discount groups Online price
Full workshop 4 days (140 credits) 199 € BUY 169 € BUY
Yoga and special classes 3 days (105 credits) 169 € BUY 139 € BUY
Yoga and special classes 1 days (35 credits) 59 € BUY 49 € BUY
Yoga only 4 days (60 credits) 99 € BUY 85 € BUY
Special classes only 4 days (80 credits) 119 € BUY 105 € BUY 85 € BUY
Yoga drop-in (15 credits) 29 € BUY 25 € BUY
Special class drop-in (20 credits) 35 € BUY 29 € BUY 25 € BUY
Discounted prices eligible only with a certificate for the discount price groups (to be shown in the course): under 18 yrs, students, those on parental or care leave, unemployed, pensioners, military or civil service.

2. Book workshop classes

Book your mysore class starting times (book only one mysore class per day) and special classes at the workshop schedule below you wish to attend. If the class is full you can sign into a waitlist. Click below the link ”First availability 27/12/2023” to open the Workshop classes scheldule.

You might also want to attend these extra classes:
with Petri and Juha on Tuesday 26th 8-11 am (15 credits)
Book the class starting at 8:00 | 8:45 | 9:30
with Juha on Sunday 31st 8:30-11 am (10 credits)
Book the class starting at 8:30 | 9:00 | 9:30

(Turn your mobile into Landscape for better view)

Kurssin ohjaajat

Juha Javanainen

Juha Javanainen (s. 22.7.1963), naimisissa viiden lapsen isä, asuu Helsingissä. Juha on harjoittanut astangajoogaa vuodesta 1989. Hän perusti Helsingin Astanga Yoga Schoolin Petri Räisäsen kanssa vuonna 1997. Joogapolullaan Juha on harjoitellut Radha Warrellin ja Derek Irelandin, Lino Mielen, Eddie Sternin kanssa sekä vieraillut Mysoressa Intiassa. , monta kertaa opiskellaakseen Pattabhi Joisin ja Sharath Joisin kanssa. Hän on myös opiskellut chanttausta ja joogafilosofiaa Lakshmish Bhatin, Jayashreen ja Narasimhanin, Vijaya Manjan ja AG Mohanin johdolla.

Juha opettaa säännöllisesti Helsingin Astanga Joogakoululla. Hän harjoittelee edelleen astangajoogan metodeja Pattabhi Joisin ja T. Krishnamacharyan perinteen pohjalta. Juhan erityisiä kiinnostuksen kohteita ovat Patanjalin joogafilosofia sekä havaijilainen shamanismi; molemmat menetelmät auttavat kehittämään itsetuntemusta ja henkistä tasapainoa, ja ovat lisäksi tehokkaita parantavia menetelmiä.

Juha on kääntänyt suomeksi kirjan Yoga Mala (2002), joka on Sri K. Pattabhi Joisin pääteos astangajoogasta, sekä Serge Kahili Kingin kirjoittaman Urban Shaman -kirjan (Kaupunkishamaani, 1995). Osana kiinnostusta suomalaisiin mytologioihin Juha on koonnut Ior Bockin suullisista tarinoista kirjan Bockin perheen saaga, Väinämöisen mytologia (1996).

Juha haluaa jakaa joogaharjoittelussa pitkäaikaisia ​​harjoituksiaan ja opetuskokemuksiaan kehon ja mielen työskentelystä parantavassa tarkoituksessa. Alla hän jakaa ajatuksiaan aiheesta:

”Olen erittäin iloinen ja kiitollinen, että löysin astangajoogan ja aloin harjoitella sitä jo alusta alkaen pätevien opettajien johdolla, kun he tulivat opettamaan Helsinkiin vuonna 1989. Silloin joogan harjoittelu oli hyvin erilaista kuin nykyään: jooga oli lähinnä lempeää hathajoogaa, ei ollut joogastudioita, ei kirjoja tai Youtube -videoita astangajoogasta, ei edes joogamattoja. Ainoa tapa oppia Astanga oli löytää opettaja, ja kurssin jälkeen piti ryhtyä harjoittelemaan omatoimisesti.”

”Ensimmäiset astangakurssit Helsingissä olivat todella intensiivisiä: viikon sisällä käytiin läpi koko ykkössarja. Kurssilla harjoittelu oli erittäin vaativaa sekä fyysisesti että psyykkisesti, vaikka opettajat eivät vaatineetkaan ”täydellistä” suoritusta jooga-asennoissa. Tämä tyyli sopi minulle erittäin hyvin: se innosti minua säännölliseen joogaharjoitteluun jäykän vartaloni avaamiseksi ja hengityksen syventämiseksi. Henkinen vahvuus, jota kutsumme suomeksi ”sisu” tai sanskritin kielessä ”aishwarya”, yhdistettynä astangajoogan harjoitusmenetelmään, on ollut loistava yhdistelmä säännöllisen joogaharjoitteluni rakentamisessa ja harjoittelun jatkamisessa elämän nousu- ja laskusuhdanteissa. ”

”Joogaopettajat, joiden kanssa olen harjoitellut useita vuosia, eivät vain opettaneet jooga-asentoja, asanatekniikoita ja vinyasoja, vaan he jakoivat myös henkilökohtaisia ​​näkemyksiään joogaharjoitteluista, elämänasenteestaan, myötätunnostaan ​​ja ylipäätään ajatuksia ihmisen elämästä. Se on todella auttanut minua laajentamaan omaa näkemystäni joogasta, elämästä, myötätunnosta ja rakkaudesta.”

”Haaste tai jopa vaara joogaharjoittelussani on ollut halu kehittyä jooga-asennoissa mahdollisimman nopeasti, vaikka kroppani ei olekaan kovin joustava ja vahva. Vuosien aikana olen oppinut ns. kantapään kautta erilaisista nilkka-, polvi-, alaselkä-, ranne-, kyynärpää-, olkapää- ja niskavaivoista. Erityisen vaarallista on ollut vaativien asentojen näyttäminen joogatunneilla ilman lämmittelyä. Olen kuitenkin aina palannut joogamatolle toipumaan ja parantamaan vaivojani, usein jo yhden lepopäivän jälkeen. Olen halunnut  tutkia käytännössä, kuinka joogaharjoitus voi auttaa paranemisprosessissa ja miten vammojen kanssa tulisi harjoitella.” 

”Innostukseni Astangan opettamisessa on jakaa tämä ainutlaatuinen ja käytännönläheinen joogamenetelmä kaikille, jotka haluavat opiskella ja harjoitella sitä. Opetuksessani haluan noudattaa joogamestarini neuvoa: ’Hyvän opettajan tulee tietää, että jotkut asanat voivat olla joillekin tuskallisia, joten opettajan tulisi tietää, mikä vaihtoehtoinen asento voisi tuottaa saman hyödyn’. Oma kokemukseni on, että joogan harjoittajan tulee välttää pahaa kipua mahdollisimman paljon. Ja hyvän joogaopettajan tulee välttää aiheuttamasta fyysistä, emotionaalista tai henkistä kipua muille, mukaan lukien joogaopiskelijoille. Siten jooga edistää parhaiten paranemista ja eheytymistä.”

Petri Räisänen

Petri Räisänen (born August 13, 1967) is married and a father of three children living currently in South-West Portugal.

Petri is internationally known and respected Ashtanga Yoga teacher. Petri started practicing Ashtanga Yoga in 1989 and teaching in 1990. He is co-owner and director of Ashtanga Yoga Helsinki, one of the world’s largest Astanga Yoga Shalas, which he founded with his friend and colleague, Juha Javanainen, in 1997. Pattabhi Jois blessed the school to teach the traditional Astanga Yoga method.

In his yogic path Petri has studied with many respected Astanga Yoga teachers such as Derek Ireland (his first certified teacher), Radha Warrel, Gwendoline Hunt, Lino Miele and Eddie Stern, in addition to R. Sharath Jois and Sri K. Pattabhi Jois.

In 2004, Petri wrote “Astanga – The Yoga Tradition of Sri K. Pattabhi Jois” with Sri K. Pattabhi Jois’ and his grandson, R. Sharath Jois’ support. The book introduces the primary series (1st series) Astanga Yoga method and philosophy, as well as its potential as a physical, mental, intellectual and spiritual practice. The book was released first in Swedish and Finnish in 2005.

His intermediate series (2nd series) book “Nadi Sodhana” was released in Finnish 2008 and in Russian in 2014. It is written from the interviews with Sri K. Pattabhi Jois and Petri in 2006-2007 in Mysore, India.

Both books are written as part of Petri’s ongoing pilgrimage into Astanga yoga’s inner word, with a great sense of respect towards his Guru and the Yoga Tradition.

Petri focuses on integrating healing and therapy with yoga, meeting student’s individual needs and guiding their progress. His yoga pose adjustments are gentle, effective, therapeutic and, according to some, almost magical, and originate (besides his own practice and teaching) from his past work as a traditional Finnish folk healer and naturopath.

Petri’s friendly, relaxed behavior and intuitive perception give an open, energetic and meditative atmosphere to his classes.